Green Living Tips
10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
Of course, everyday is Earth Day — but since we do have an actually holiday dedicated to the Earth, we’ve put together a quick list of eco-friendly activities you can do to celebrate Earth Day - any day.
10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
1. Go on an eco picnic at your favorite park.
2. Pick up trash at the beach.
3. Finally ditch those paper towels and replace them with Swedish Dishcloths.
4. Take your e-waste to a recycling center.
5. Plant a butterfly friendly garden.
6. Take a long walk outside with a friend.
7. Make a bird feeder out of recycled materials.
8. Start a backyard compost bin.
9. Clean up an elderly neighbor’s yard for them.
10. Visit your local farmer’s market.
And here are some fun Earth Day pins you can share - if you like.